Are we going to die?
This is a question we ask ourselves every day. Colombia is an incredibly terrifying place. And not just the animals.
The top photo is a map of Cali. 25,000 people are killed here every year in drug related murders, and so we made sure not to go to a red zone, even though they comprised most of the map.
Many of the policemen carry huge AK47 machine guns. Some stand behind trees along the major roads near miliary checkpoints. When we bussed from Popayan to Cali and a soldier in full uniform ordered we all get out, we thought we were in for a miliary checkking. Instead of searching us, however, the soldier introduced us to a clown, a man in a furry racoon suit and a man in an inflatable soldier costume who gave us sweets and tickled Miranda. The soldier took a holiday-snap-esque photo of all the people on the bus with the clown, and then we got back on the bus. I think it was something to do with promoting the military, but it was incredibly odd.
The toilets are almost as terrifying as the soldiers, too. I won´t go into it, suffice to say that I did go into it.
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